Thank you for attending the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting!
Whether you voted in-person or remotely, your vote was counted and matters! Because of your participation, we were able to conduct our 2021 Annual Meeting virtually, but most importantly safely.
Each year, the purpose of BayPort’s Annual Meeting is to provide a meaningful recap of the work we are doing, not only for our members but in our communities.
Take a look at page 5 of your Annual Report (PDF) to review our 2020 highlights, and to see what’s coming in 2021.
We are happy to announce the four nominees elected to fill a 3-year term on BayPort Credit Union’s Board of Directors:
- Pamela J. Rowe, PMP®, Incumbent
- George C. Wiatt, Jr., CCUE®, CCUV®, Incumbent
- Dinetta D. Hill
- Jennifer M. Miller, Incumbent
As we look forward to this new year, we will continue to do our very best work. We will stand with our communities and our members just as we have for over 90 years. We are people helping people, and we are stronger together.
View highlights of the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.