Starting Monday, February 22…
Dedicate this week to pause and do a financial check-in. Each day, we’ll share a new way you can increase your savings and improve your financial wellness.
Here’s a sneak peek at the week ahead:
Start saving automatically by setting up a recurring transfer! Select Manage Money > Make a Transfer in Online Banking.
Save for the unexpected in case of a financial emergency. What are your goals? Use Money Management to set them up.
Consider not just IF you’re saving for retirement, but if you’re saving ENOUGH for retirement. Learn more about saving long-term.
Save on interest by reducing your debt! Join us for our Paying Down Debt virtual workshop and we’ll show you how.
Did you learn about saving when you were young? Probably not! Learn to save as a family by coming up with a plan everyone can participate in.
Savings is a HABIT, not a destination. Start small and THINK BIG. Even with $10 a week, you’ll start forming a new habit that will set you up to be financially wise for life!